CJ Conti Portfolio


Task quality optimization in collaborative robotics-IEEE Big Data

This paper addresses commonsense knowledge (CSK) to enhance human-robot collaboration (HRC) in large scale smart manufacturing. As big data in collaborative robotics grows, CSK in useful to achieve task optimization as depicted in our simulation studies and laboratory experiments, extendable to real-world applications.

Robot action planning by commonsense knowledge in human-robot collaborative simulation tasks-IEMTRONICS

Received Best Paper Award


Robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) span the broad realm of mechatronics in general. Humans and robots can collaborate with each other to enhance various tasks, e.g. in the vehicle industry. Facets of AI such as commonsense knowledge can play a significant role here. In this paper, we propose an approach for human-robot collaboration that leverages the fundamental aspects of commonsense knowledge, in order to develop models for the simulation of robotic tasks in real-world applications. This is particularly in the context of robot action planning for object assembly. We consider modeling based on relevant attributes, e.g. the size and weight of parts. The proposed approach thus entails human-robot interaction, mathematical modeling, semantics and pragmatics in commonsense knowledge, as well as challenges specific to the application domain. We describe our approach, focusing on the mathematical modeling, and conduct our experimental evaluation using simulation tasks. As per our claim, this collaborative approach yields better outcomes than humans or robots working alone, which is in line with other such claims in the field of human-robot collaboration. This work sets the stage for conducting laboratory experiments with real robots based on the results of our simulation tasks.

Task Quality Optimization in Human-Robot Collaboration-IEEE Big Data 2020


Commonsense Knowledge (CSK) is defined as having a basic understanding of real-world objects, their proper-ties and how they interact and relate with each other. This can often be simple and subtle. Human-robot col-laboration (HRC) is where robots work alongside hu-mans on tasks, often in the same workspace. This paper proposes an approach to use CSK to improve HRC. It is applied in object assembly involving a human and a robot, to optimize task quality. CSK priorities are tested with simulation tasks in object assembly to determine their effectiveness.

A Panorama of Common Sense: For Autonomous Vehicles and Human-Robot Collaboration-CACM

Common sense! We humans often take it for granted so much that we hardly dwell on its imperativeness. Yet an AI system without basic world knowledge is analogous to a human without common sense. This would mean not knowing that sponge is lighter than wood (useful for carrying parts in manufacturing). It would mean being oblivious to the fact that a truck can move while a bridge is stationary (helpful while driving). We humans cannot imagine lacking such common sense! However, the easiest for humans can often be the hardest for AI systems. The systems need to be explicitly programmed with commonsense knowledge to function analogous to their human counterparts. The realm of commonsense knowledge in conjunction with related ones such as autonomous vehicles, and human-robot collaboration present growing areas of research. Due to the advent of autonomous vehicles, there is a greater need for commonsense knowledge to be embodied within their development and simulate subtle, intuitive aspects of human judgment. Robotics has often encountered collaborative tasks between humans and robots to enhance the activities and produce better results than humans / robots would achieve working by themselves. Accordingly, this survey paper outlines and organizes research occurring in these areas along with perspectives and applications. Much work in this area makes an impact on smart manufacturing. The novelty of this paper, to the best of our knowledge, is that it is the first survey encompassing commonsense knowledge, autonomous vehicles and human robot collaboration, emphasizing their impacts and benefiting smart manufacturing.

Non-Published Writings

Commonsense Knowledge, Autonomous Vehicles and Human-Robot Collaboration: Perspectives and Applications

The realms of commonsense knowledge, autonomous vehicles, and human-robot collaboration present growing areas of research in recent times. Due to the advent of autonomous vehicles, there is a greater need for commonsense knowledge to be embodied within their development in order to simulate subtle, intuitive aspects of human judgment. The field of robotics has often encountered collaborative tasks between humans and robots to enhance the respective activities involved and produce better results than humans or robots would achieve working by themselves. Accordingly, this survey paper outlines and organizes some of the research occurring in these areas along with perspectives and applications. Context related to human-robot collaboration and commonsense knowledge is provided via a survey of the literature. Vehicle automation is in focus with the relevant studies: its definition and methods of improvement are highlighted in the paper. Much work in this area makes an impact on smart manufacturing. There is discussion on how human-robot collaboration is beneficial, especially in smart manufacturing contexts, and how commonsense knowledge is useful for the collaboration to occur in an enhanced manner. The novelty of this paper, to the best of our knowledge, is that it is perhaps the first survey encompassing commonsense knowledge, autonomous vehicles and human robot collaboration, emphasizing their impacts on each other and benefiting smart manufacturing. This paper would be potentially interesting to various AI scientists, robot developers, autonomous vehicle manufacturers and researchers in commonsense knowledge.

Winter 2020
A system that allows users to design custom workout timers.
Tools used: PHP, HTML

Web Development

Timer System

Winter 2020
A system that allows users to design custom workout timers.
Tools used: PHP, HTML

Exercise Gauntlet

Winter 2020
A system that allows users to design customized sets of exercises.
Tools used: Ajax, PHP, HTML

Class Signup

Summer 2020
A system that allows students to sign up for classes with limited spots and for a manager to see who is signed up for classes. This system displays students a list of classes and lets them know if they can sign up for a class.
Tools used: Ajax, PHP, HTML

Ajax Chat

Summer 2020
A simple realtime chatroom that allows people to join rooms based on a code. From there, people can post messages.
Tools used: Ajax, PHP, HTML


Summer 2020
A two dimensional roulette. A csv file can be used to customize the values in the roulette. The colors of the roulette along with the total number of spins can be customized as well.
Tools used: JavaScript, PHP, HTML

Basic Calendar

Summer 2020
A cakebdar that allows for inserting, viewing and deleting events. Events are saved to a SQL Server
Tools used: PHP, HTML

To Do List

Summer 2020
A to do list that allows for inserting, viewing and deleting tasks. Events are saved to $_SESSION.
Tools used: PHP, HTML


Spring 2020
Developed a system allowing students and professors to connect for projects, with guidance from Dr. Vaibhav Anu.
Tools used: PHP, HTML

Game of Life

Summer 2020
An JavaScript simulation of John Horton Conway's Game of Life.
Tools used: JavaScript, HTML

Custom Animation

Summer 2020
A series of custom animations. As time passes, circles move to different points in a set and change color.
Tools used: JavaScript, HTML

Password Strength Checker

Summer 2020
A password strength checker that uses Ajax.
Tools used: Ajax, JavaScript, HTML


Spring 2019
Created a learning management system, scheduling system and forum for Spectrum Works in order to aid young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Worked and collaborated on a four person team.
Tools used: PHP, HTML

Open Captioning

Winter 2019
An online game similar to Apples to Apples that uses php and JavaScript.
Tools used: PHP, JavaScript, HTML

Game Cornucopia

Winter 2019
A game store that allows for simulated purchases. The system also contains a forum.
Tools used: PHP, HTML

Board Game Store

Fall 2018
An online store for board games that allows for simulated purchases.
Tools used: PHP, HTML

Software Development

Assembly Model

Summer 2020
A simulation of a human and a robot collaborating to combine specified parts into a predetermined final configuration. This simulation focuses on car assembly. The benefits of commonsense knowledge for robots are demonstrated as well.

Smogon Data Analysis

Fall 2018
A machine learning tool that analyzes Pokémon's metagame.
Tools used: Python

Machine Learning Blob Map

Spring 2020
Experimented with a basic game where a blob has to reach a certain point while avoiding fire. Machine learning is used to improve performance. The average score per 500 executions is tracked.
Tools used: Python

Shrink Image

Fall 2018
A machine learning tool that shrinks an image.
Tools used: Python

Compare Images

Fall 2018
A machine learning tool that compares images on their similarities.
Tools used: Python

Diffie Hellman Implementation

Fall 2018
Implemented the Diffie-Hellman algorithm using Java.
Tools used: Java

Fractal Generator

Fall 2016
A recursive square fractal generator using Java with user input determining the generation.
Tools used: Java